The record journey from the car driver's perspective. Credit: AMZ Racing |
'Grimsel' electric racing car breaks world record
The Formula Student team at the Academic Motorsports Club Zurich (AMZ) finally did it: its 'grimsel' electric racing car smashed the previous world record when it accelerated from 0 to 100 km/h in just 1.785 seconds. The previous record of 2.134 seconds was held by an electric car built by Delft University of Technology. The new record was set at the military airfield in Dübendorf, where the vehicle reached a speed of 100 km per hour in less than 30 metres.
The new record-breaking vehicle is a Formula Student electric car that was developed and built in less than a year by 30 students at ETH Zurich and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The 'grimsel' is the fifth AMZ electric car and the result of continuous development. The carbon fibre construction has a total weight of 168 kg and produces about 200 hp. A four-wheel drive is implemented with four specially designed wheel hub motors, which generate a total torque of 1630 Nm at the wheels. By means of traction control, torque distribution is controlled individually for each wheel to maximise vehicle acceleration. No other production vehicle in the world has reached a similarly strong acceleration.
AMZ's most successful car
The 'grimsel' celebrated numerous successes at the Formula Student international competition this summer. With more than 500 teams, Formula Student is the world's biggest competition for engineers and is held annually at various locations around the globe. With three overall wins and an average of 920 points out of a possible 1,000, the 'grimsel' is AMZ's most successful car. And with its victories in Austria and Spain, it achieved the two highest scores in the European history of Formula Student. These further strengthened AMZ's standing at the top of the Formula Student world rankings and demonstrated the potential in electric drive concepts.
Source: ETH Zürich
Law of physics governs airplane 'evolution': Constructal law explains progression of passenger jets, sets guidelines for future aircraft
This graph shows how -- as the years have passed -- bigger and bigger airplanes have joined the ranks of their behemoth brothers. Credit: Adrian Bejan |
In a new study, Adrian Bejan, professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at Duke University, shows that a law of physics he penned more than two decades ago helps explain the evolution of passenger airplanes from the small, propeller-driven DC-3s of yore to today's behemoth Boeing 787s. The analysis also provides insights into how aerospace companies can develop successful future designs.
The Concorde, alas, was too far from the curve of these good designs, Bejan says. The paper appears online July 22, in the Journal of Applied Physics.
"The evolution of Earth's species occurred on a timescale far too large for humans to witness," said Bejan. "But the evolution of our use of technology and airplanes to transport people and goods has taken place in little more than a single lifetime, making it visible to those who look. Evolution is a universal phenomenon encompassing technology, river basins and animal design alike, and it is rooted in physics as the constructal law."
The constructal law was developed by Bejan in 1996 and states that for a system to survive, it must evolve to increase its access to flow. For example, the human vascular system has evolved to provide blood access to flow through a network of a few large arteries and many small capillaries. River systems, tree branches and modern highway and road networks show the same forces at work, he says.
In the case of commercial aircraft, designs have evolved to allow more people and goods to flow across the face of Earth. Constructal law has also dictated the main design features needed for aircraft to succeed; the engine mass has remained proportional to the body size, the wing size has been tied to the fuselage length, and the fuel load has grown in step with the total weight.
"The same design features can be seen in any large land animal," said Bejan. "Larger animals have longer lifespans and travel farther distances, just as passenger airplanes have been designed to do. For example, the ratio of the engine to aircraft size is analogous to the ratio of a large animal's total body size to its heart, lungs and muscles."
To apply his theories to airplane design, Bejan teamed up with Jordan Charles, a researcher and development engineer, and Sylvie Lorente, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Toulouse, to mine the historical databases of successful commercial aircraft. As they plotted thousands of statistics including year of introduction, size, cruising speed, engine weight, fuel weight, range, wingspan and fuselage length, many patterns began to emerge.
But two in particular stood out.
In one chart, a clear curve tracks the increasing size of commercial airplanes through nearly a century of aviation. As time moves on, new commercial airliners come in all sizes but the biggest are joined by even bigger models. In another chart, the line that best tracks the relationship of body mass to airplane speeds is nearly identical to mass and speed statistics from various mammals, lizards, birds, insects and more. Evolutionary constraints found in nature, in other words, can be seen at work in the airline industry.
There was, however, one outlier on the chart -- the Concorde.
"The Concorde was too far off from the ratios that evolution has produced in passenger jets," explained Bejan, who points out that the doomed aircraft had limited passenger capacity, a low mass-to-velocity ratio, an off-the-charts fuselage-to-wingspan ratio, massive engines and poor fuel economy. "It would have had to adhere to the constructal design rules to succeed."
Bejan said this analysis shows that the aviation industry has done well with its designs over the decades, and that the trends dominating the industry are indeed the most efficient. They also reveal the general design parameters that future passenger aircraft should follow to succeed economically.
"This study gives the rough sketch of what airplane designs will put you in the game," said Bejan. "For design companies, it is money in the bank."
Jose Camberos, research aerospace engineer and lead of design space exploration at the Multidisciplinary Science & Technology Center of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, said that the work will hopefully give the field better insight into where the design of airplanes is going.
"There is definitely an analogy to be understood and articulated to explain why engines and airplanes are sized the way they currently are and how that has evolved," said Camberos, who was not involved with this study. "By looking at the development of aircraft in a larger context in these terms, it may be possible to gain insights into how best to achieve what nature has been able to accomplish already."
Source: Duke University
Seeking reality in the future of aeronautical simulation
The right tool for the job. It's a platitude that is as true for garage tinkerers as it is for the NASA aeronautical innovators who are helping to design future airliners that will cut fuel consumption, reduce polluting emissions and fly more quietly.
Yet at least in one area -- namely computational fluid dynamics, or CFD -- the design tools that helped give us the modern airliners flying today are not expected to be up to the challenge in the future without some serious upgrades.
This was the finding of a report recently released by NASA called "CFD Vision 2030 Study: A Path to Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences." It came out of a one-year study funded by NASA that included Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Stanford University, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Wyoming and The National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
The dilemma is that today's CFD, which simulates airflow around an airplane and through its jet engines, is largely designed to deal with aircraft with traditional tube and wing configurations that everyone is used to. And even then CFD's full effectiveness through all phases of flight is limited.
But future aircraft designs routinely flying during the 2030's may look very different from today's airliners in order to deliver on the promises of reduced fuel burn, noise and emissions.
Wings may be longer and skinnier and held up, or braced, by trusses. Aircraft hulls may be broader and flatter or have more pointed noses. Jet engines may be mounted on the top of the aircraft. Or the joint between a wing and the body may be blended into a seamless contour.
Understanding the physics behind how all of these new variables will affect airflow during all phases of flight, and then finding a way to model that in a computer simulation and validate the CFD is accurate, are the challenges facing NASA's computer experts right now.
"If we can get more physics into the models we're using with our CFD, we'll have a more general tool that can attack not only off-design conditions of conventional tube and wing aircraft, but it also will do better with the different looking configurations of the future," said Mike Rogers, an aerospace engineer at NASA's Ames Research Center in California.
Data from wind-tunnel testing of these new aircraft designs as they come along will help refine the CFD algorithms. The overarching goal is to improve the entire suite of testing capabilities -simulation, ground and flight test -- to provide a more effective, comprehensive toolbox for designers to use to advance the state of the art more quickly.
"It's an iterative process," Rogers said. "We need to continually assess how well our tools are working so we know whether they are adequate or not."
In the meantime, even as NASA's CFD experts work down a path toward their long-range future goals of 2030 -- advancements made possible only because of vast leaps in computer processing speed and power -- their first step is to meet a set of more immediate technical challenges as soon as 2017.
The first stepping-stone goal is to reduce by 40 percent the error in computing several flow phenomena for which current models fail to make accurate predictions; these flow features are likely to be encountered on some of the new aircraft configurations now being studied.
The report highlighted the need for upgrading not only the CFD algorithms, but also discussed how those new algorithms must be written to take advantage of the ever-increasing speed and complexity of future supercomputers.
Source: nasa
Aircraft wings that change their shape in flight can help to protect the environment
Aircraft wings that change their shape in flight can help to protect the environment. Simulation of a flex module. Credit: © Fraunhofer IFAM |
Airport congestion has reached staggering levels as some 2.2 billion people a year take to the skies for business or pleasure. As their numbers grow and more jets add to pollution in the atmosphere, the drawbacks to the popularity of flying become obvious. This has encouraged airlines, aircraft manufacturers and researchers to pull together to reduce airliners' kerosene consumption and contribute to protecting the environment. One effort in this direction is the EU's SARISTU project, short for Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures.
Landing flaps that change their shape
While birds are able to position their feathers to suit the airflow, aircraft wing components have so far only been rigid. As the name suggests, landing flaps at the trailing edge of the wing are extended for landing. This flap, too, is rigid, its movement being limited to rotation around an axis. This is set to change in the SARISTU project. "Landing flaps should one day be able to adjust to the air flow and so enhance the aerodynamics of the aircraft," explains Martin Schüller, researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS in Chemnitz. A mechanism that alters the landing flap's shape to dynamically accommodate the airflow has already been developed by the consortium partners. Algorithms to control the required shape modifications in flight were programmed by ENAS, in collaboration with colleagues from the Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) and the University of Naples.
The mechanism that allows the landing flap to change shape can only function if the skin of the landing flap can be stretched as it moves, a problem tackled by researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Bremen. "We've come up with a silicon skin with alternate rigid and soft zones," reveals Andreas Lühring from Fraunhofer IFAM. "There are five hard and three soft zones, enclosed within a silicon skin cover extending over the top."
The mechanism sits underneath the soft zones, the areas that are most distended. While the novel design is noteworthy, it is the material itself that stands out, since the flexible parts are made of elastomeric foam that retain their elasticity even at temperatures ranging from minus 55 to 80 degrees Celsius.
Four 90-centimeter-long prototypes -- two of which feature skin segments -- are already undergoing testing. Does the mechanism work? Are the forces being transferred correctly? These are questions for upcoming tests in the wind tunnel. Scientists will be showcasing the prototype at the ILA Berlin Air Show from May 20 -- 25.
Maneuverable wingtips
A single improvement won't be enough to cut kerosene consumption by six percent. Since a variety of measures are needed, scientists from Fraunhofer IFAM are participating in a second subproject focusing on the wingtip. Here the SARISTU consortium has developed a tab that forms part of the wing tip and changes shape during flight to keep air resistance as low as possible. Any gap between the flap and the fixed aircraft wing would cancel out any positive effect. "This led us to develop an elastic connecting element, and this work already covers everything from the chemical makeup to the process technology and manufacture of the component," says Lühring. Like the landing tab, this component retains its elasticity at temperatures ranging from minus 55 to 80 degrees Celsius, and it easily copes with the high wind speeds involved. Researchers will be showcasing the prototype at the ILA Berlin Air Show.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 284562.
Source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Wave energy integration costs should compare favorably to other energy sources
The Ocean Sentinel has been deployed off the Oregon Coast, one of the nation's first wave energy testing devices. Credit: Pat Kight, Oregon Sea Grant |
The variability of alternative energy sources is one factor that holds back their wider use -- if wind or solar energy decreases and varies widely, then some other energy production has to back it up, and that adds to the overall cost of energy supply.
"Whenever any new form of energy is added, a challenge is to integrate it into the system along with the other sources," said Ted Brekken, an associate professor and renewable energy expert in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University.
"By producing wave energy from a range of different sites, possibly with different types of technology, and taking advantage of the comparative consistency of the wave resource itself, it appears that wave energy integration should be easier than that of wind energy," he said. "The reserve, or backup generation, necessary for wave energy integration should be minimal."
This estimate of the cost of integrating wind energy indicated that it would be 10 percent or less than the actual charges being made for the integration of wind energy. Energy integration, however, is just one component of the overall cost of the power generated. Wave energy, still in the infancy of its development, is not yet cost competitive on an overall basis.
Wave energy is not now being commercially produced in the Pacific Northwest, but experts say its future potential is significant, and costs should come down as technologies improve and more systems are developed. This study examined the hypothetical addition of 500 megawatts of generating capacity in this region by 2025, which would be comparable to approximately five large wind farms.
Another strength of wave energy, the study suggested, is that its short-term generation capacity can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy over a time scale ranging from minutes to hours, and with some accuracy even seasonally or annually.
The Pacific Northwest has some of the nation's best wave energy resources, and as a result is home to the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Wave energy in the region is expected to spur economic growth, help diversify the energy portfolio, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce transmission losses, the study noted.
Source: Oregon State University
What's in the grime tarnishing the Taj Mahal?
Taj Mahal |
Mike H. Bergin, Sachchida Nand Tripathi and colleagues note that Indian officials have tried to reduce the effects of pollution on the Taj Mahal by restricting nearby traffic and limiting local industrial emissions. But despite regulations and an occasional deep clean, the domes and minarets continue to accrue a layer of soot. So far, no published studies have looked closely at what specific compounds are causing it to appear yellow. Bergin's and Tripathi's teams wanted to find out.
The researchers analyzed particles in the air and on marble samples near the main dome over several months. Using a novel method they developed, the team estimated how these specks reflect light and therefore affect the color of the building. They conclude that black carbon and brown carbon from the burning of trash, fuels and other materials are among the primary pollutants tarnishing the Taj Mahal. In the future, their approach could be used to craft strategies to address the chronic yellowing and improve air quality, they say.
The authors acknowledge funding from the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science Foundation.
Source: American Chemical Society
Mode of action of protein channelrhodopsin-2 decoded: Findings facilitate manufacture of optogenetic tools
The pore of the ion channel is opened by removing the amino acid E90. Water molecules enter and tilt Helix H2, thus opening the continuous channel. Credit: © RUB, graphics: Eisenhauer |
"The model we developed makes it possible to create customised optogenetic tools for individual applications," says Prof Dr Klaus Gerwert from the Department of Biophysics at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Together with colleagues at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin from the team headed by Prof Dr Peter Hegemann, the Bochum researchers report about their finding in the magazine "Angewandte Chemie."
Channelrhodopsin-2 has revolutionised optogenetics
Discovered by Peter Hegemann in green algae, channelrhodopsin-2 is the central light-activated channel protein in optogenetics. If this ion channel is applied to nerve cells, the channels can be opened by light, thus activating the cell. "The application of channelrhodopsin-2 in optogenetics has revolutionised neurobiology in the recent years," says Klaus Gerwert. The magazine "Nature Methods" awarded this process as "Method of the Year" in 2010. "However, scientists had not been aware of what is actually happening inside a protein and thus ultimately triggers its activation," continues the Bochum researcher. But it is the understanding of processes on the atomic level that is essential for optimising the protein specifically for its applications.
"EHT" model describes the mode of action of channelrhodopsin-2
With time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy and bio-molecular simulations, the Bochum-Berlin team has now closed that gap. The EHT (E90-Helix2-tilt) model describes the mode of action of channelrhodopsin-2 as follows: the light-sensitive group of the protein, i.e. the retinal, is twistedunder incidence of light. This twist then continues in the protein and opens a pore ultra fast, which is closed by amino acid E90 in the dark. E90 marks the narrowest place in the pore and opens it through a downward move , similar to the motion of a swing door, so that water can enter an empty vestibule above the narrowest place in the pore. The entering water then tilts the protein helix H2, which eventually triggers a protein-traversing open ion channel. When forming this model, the Bochum researchers benefitted from their comprehensive experience that they had gained resolving the mechanism of light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin in detail.
"Protein engineering": pioneering novel optogenetic tools
"With this structural model, the next step, i.e. protein engineering, will become possible," explains Klaus Gerwert. Through mutation of the amino acid E90, the protein's properties can be controlled in a targeted manner. The conductivity or the selectivity for certain ions could be customised for specific applications, and the protein could be specifically activated with different wavelengths.
Source: Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum
Better dam planning strategies
This is a map showing combined effect of current and future dams. Credit: McGill University |
Among their findings, published online today in Environmental Research Letters: 48% of the world's river volume is moderately or severely affected by dams today -- and that figure would nearly double if all dams planned or under construction are completed in the future.
"Over the past 60 years, a myriad of dams have been built either to provide hydroelectric power, or for irrigation purposes, or as flood protection," says Bernhard Lehner, a professor in McGill University's Department of Geography and the research director of the project. "The construction of large dams then slowed down for the last 20 years as we became more aware of their negative effects on people and ecosystems. But now, with fears about how climate change may affect water flows in the future, the goal of creating reservoirs is once more appealing, and dam construction is on the rise."
The new research was made possible by the team's development of a global river map with unprecedented resolution and detail, showing all waterways of the world from small creeks to the largest of rivers, accounting for a cumulative river length of 48.3 million km -- and by a new map of future dam locations assembled by colleagues at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin.
The key components of the team's dam assessment method are two indices that describe river fragmentation and river regulation.
The river fragmentation index (RFI) is a measure of the way that a river's natural flow path (also known as its connectivity) has been disrupted by the creation of dams or by barriers that allow for the transfer of water between basins or towards irrigation areas, for example.
The river regulation index (RRI) is a measure of the proportion of the river water that can be stored in reservoirs, and thus affects the natural fluctuation and properties of river flow downstream.
By combining these two indices, the researchers have arrived at a way of assessing the impact of any existing or planned dam. So, for example, the Danube is severely impacted by fragmentation effects but is relatively weakly affected in terms of flow regulation due to many dams with relatively small reservoirs. The Murray-Darling basin in southern Australia, by contrast, is only weakly affected by fragmentation, but is heavily impacted by flow regulation, due to fewer but larger reservoirs.
"Not all dams are equal," says Günther Grill, a postdoctoral fellow in McGill University's Department of Geography and the lead author on the paper. "Our research assumes that it is not only the size of a dam but also where it is placed along the river that makes a difference. So depending on whether a dam is high up in the mountain headwaters or further down close to the delta, if it is on the main stem of the river or on a small tributary, all of these factors will have varying effects on the rivers and their surrounding ecosystems."
Researchers at the University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment and the University of Wisconsin's Center for Limnology also contributed to the study.
Some dam and river facts:
There are 6,374 large dams already in existence and 3,377 planned or proposed large dams to be built by 2030.
Currently 48% of the world's river volume is moderately or severely affected by either flow regulation or fragmentation or both.
Assuming that all the dams that are planned or under construction are completed, this number would almost double to 93%, largely due to multiple dams being planned for major tributaries in the Amazon Basin.
Other large rivers that are currently rather free-flowing but on which large dams are planned are the Mekong River in Southeast Asia and the Amur River in Russia.
Source: McGill University
'Iron Sun' is not a rock band, but a key to how stars transmit energy
Working at temperatures matching the interior of the sun, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories' Z machine have been able to determine experimentally, for the first time in history, iron's role in inhibiting energy transmission from the center of the sun to near the edge of its radiative band -- the section of the solar interior between the sun's core and outer convection zone.
Because that role is much greater than formerly surmised, the new, experimentally derived amount of iron's opacity -- essentially, its capacity for hindering the transport of radiative energy originating in nuclear fusion reactions deep in the sun's interior -- helps close a theoretical gap in the Standard Solar Model, widely used by astrophysicists as a foundation to model the behavior of stars.
"Our data, when inserted into the theoretical model, bring its predictions more closely into alignment with physical observations," said Sandia lead investigator Jim Bailey. His team's work appeared Jan. 1 in the journal Nature.
The gap between the model and observations appeared in 2000 when analysis of spectra emerging from the sun forced scientists to lower their estimates of energy-absorbing elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon by 30 to 50 percent.
The decreased abundances meant that the model then predicted that energy would arrive at the sun's radiative edge more readily than before. This created a discrepancy between the star's theoretical structure and its measured structure, which is based on variations in temperatures and densities at different locations.
To make the model once again agree with observations, scientists needed a way to balance the decreased resistance to radiation transport caused by the lowered amounts of the elements.
Bailey's experimental group, including Taisuke Nagayama, Guillaume Loisel and Greg Rochau, in painstaking experiments spanning a 10-year period, discovered that the widely used astrophysical estimate of the wavelength-dependent opacity of iron should be increased between 30 to 400 percent. That difference does not represent a large uncertainty but rather how much iron's opacity varies with the wavelength of the radiation.
"This represents roughly half the change in the mean opacity needed to resolve the solar problem, even though iron is only one of many elements that contribute," the authors write in their paper.
Getting accurate data has been difficult, as "the inside of a star is one of the most mysterious places in the universe," Bailey said. "It's too opaque for distant instruments to see inside and analyze reactions within it, and too hot to send a probe into it. It has also been too difficult to run tests under appropriate conditions in a laboratory. So the physics that describes how atoms, embedded in solar plasma, absorb radiation, has never been experimentally tested. Yet that process dominates the way energy generated by nuclear reactions in the sun's interior is transported to the outside.
"Fortunately, in our Z experiments, we can create temperature and density conditions nearly the same as the region inside the sun that affects the discrepancy the most -- the edge of the zone where radiative energy transport dominates -- in a sample that's big enough, lasts long enough, and is uniform enough to test. We used that new capability to measure the opacity of iron, one of a few elements that plays the most important part in radiative energy transfer."
Iron is important because, of all the elements abundant in the sun, it maintains the highest number of bound electrons essential in radiative energy transfer, and thus has a large effect on the outcome of solar models.
Still, the upward revision of opacities as a solution is bound to be controversial.
"No matter what we do, we can't make measurements at all the different conditions we need to know," said Nagayama. "There are 20 elements present, and a large range of temperatures and densities. We study iron because its complex electronic structure is a challenge to represent in opacity theories. And it is important in solar physics. The sun is a test bed to model other stars. Without experimental tests, we don't know if these models are accurate. To the extent we fail to understand the sun, then the workings of other stars are subject to some uncertainty."
Sandia's Z machine creates the temperature of the sun's interior -- about 2.1 million degrees -- in a target about the size of a grain of sand. From that small sample, Bailey could do what theorists cannot: hold in his hand tangible evidence for the way iron atoms behave inside stars.
The target design for recent experiments involved intermingled iron and magnesium, tamped by plastic and beryllium layers on both sides. Radiation streaming through the sample heats up the iron and magnesium, which expand. The plastic restrains the expansion to keep it more uniform for opacity measurements. Magnesium provides information about corresponding density and temperature.
The work was sponsored by the National Nuclear Security Administration and the DOE Office of Science.
Source: DOE/Sandia National Laboratories
Internet addicts often suffer from additional disorders
Internet addicts often suffer from concomitant disorders, most frequently from depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and ADHS. PD Dr med. Bert te Wildt studies this phenomenon at the Ruhr-Universität's LWL Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy.
Source: Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum
Spectrum of concomitant disorders similar to that in alcohol addicts
The researcher from Bochum has compiled a so-called comorbidity profile of 25 Internet addicts. Each patient presented at least one concomitant disorder. Together with his colleagues, Bert te Wildt examined 25 alcohol addicts for comparison. Their comorbidity profile was quite similar. However, only every other patient in this cohort suffered from a concomitant disorder. "These results highlight the significance of comorbidity for Internet addiction," says te Wildt. He also points out: "This is not a one-way street, the disorders interact." In another study, he found evidence that in a number of patients Internet addiction may be traced back to similar personality structures.
Large numbers presumably undetected
According to estimates, 500,000 Germans in the age bracket from 14 to 64 years suffer from Internet addiction, which most commonly takes the shape of online gaming addiction. The studies conducted by Bert te Wildt's team at the media outpatient clinic in Bochum suggest that many cases remain undetected.
Source: Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum
Scientists twist radio beams to send data: Transmissions reach speeds of 32 gigibits per second
Graphic showing the intensity of the radio beams after twisting. Credit: Courtesy of Alan Willner / USC Viterbi |
The researchers, led by electrical engineering professor Alan Willner of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, reached data transmission rates of 32 gigabits per second across 2.5 meters of free space in a basement lab at USC.
For reference, 32 gigabits per second is fast enough to transmit more than 10 hour-and-a-half-long HD movies in one second and is 30 times faster than LTE wireless.
"Not only is this a way to transmit multiple spatially collocated radio data streams through a single aperture, it is also one of the fastest data transmission via radio waves that has been demonstrated," Willner said.
Faster data transmission rates have been achieved -- Willner himself led a team two years ago that twisted light beams to transmit data at a blistering 2.56 terabits per second -- but methods to do so rely on light to carry the data.
"The advantage of radio is that it uses wider, more robust beams. Wider beams are better able to cope with obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver, and radio is not as affected by atmospheric turbulence as optics," Willner said.
Willner is the corresponding author of an article about the research that will be published in Nature Communications on Sept. 16. The study's co-lead authors Yan Yan and Guodong Xie are both graduate students at USC Viterbi, and other contributors came from USC, the University of Glasgow, and Tel Aviv University.
To achieve the high transmission rates, the team took a page from Willner's previous work and twisted radio beams together. They passed each beam -- which carried its own independent stream of data -- through a "spiral phase plate" that twisted each radio beam into a unique and orthogonal DNA-like helical shape. A receiver at the other end of the room then untwisted and recovered the different data streams.
"This technology could have very important applications in ultra-high-speed links for the wireless 'backhaul' that connects base stations of next-generation cellular systems," said Andy Molisch of USC Viterbi. Molisch, whose research focuses on wireless systems, co-designed and co-supervised the study with Willner.
Future research will focus on attempting to extend the transmission's range and capabilities.
The work was supported by Intel Labs University Research Office and the DARPA InPho (Information in a Photon) Program.
Source: University of Southern California
A smart fluorescent antenna for Wi-Fi applications
A charged argon gas in the fluorescent lamp emits Wi-Fi signals. Credit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA |
Matter exists in four different states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Plasma is a type of gas in which the atoms are ionized -- they have both free negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. These charged particles can be controlled by electromagnetic fields, allowing plasmas to be used as a controllable reactive gas.
This invention employs an ionized gas enclosed in a tube as the conducting element of an antenna. When the gas is electrically charged or ionized to plasma, it becomes conductive and allows radio frequency signals to be transmitted or received. When the gas is not ionized, the antenna element ceases to exit.
The invention features a smart fluorescent antenna with a 3G/3.75G/4G router for Wi-Fi applications. The antenna operates at the 2.4 GHz frequency band, which is suitable for Wi-Fi applications. A commercially available fluorescent tube, measuring 0.61 metres in length by 0.25 metres in diameter, is used as the plasma antenna. The gas inside the tube is a mixture of argon and mercury vapour, in the ratio 9:1. The tube is energized by a 240 V current, provided by a standard AC power supply. A glowing tube indicates that the gas inside the tube has been ionized to plasma and forms a plasma column. In this state, the plasma column becomes highly conductive and can be used as an antenna.
A coupling sleeve is positioned at the lower end of the tube, which is used to connect the plasma tube to the router. The function of the coupling sleeves is to store the electrical charge. When the gas inside the tube is sufficiently ionized into a plasma state, it becomes conductive and allows radio frequency signals to be transmitted or received.
Measurements indicate that the plasma antenna yields a return loss over 10 dB in the 2.23 GHz to 2.58 GHz frequency band. The antenna's ability to operate as either a transmitter or receiver in this particular frequency band was verified through a series of wireless transmission experiments.
The performance of this antenna was measured using the Wi-Fi Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) technique. The product was tested for a month in the Universiti Teknologi MARA's High Frequency Antenna Laboratory. Our results show that the signal is stronger and more stable compared to others signals.
One advantage of this product is its low cost. The Wi-Fi signal can be transmitted into other rooms using only one router with a splitter cable. The fluorescent tube has dual functionality, thereby reducing the cost of buying additional antennas. Commercial antennas are made from metal elements while this invention uses plasma element as its source of material. Normal antennas can only transmit and receive radio frequencies, while this product not only can be used for transmitting and receiving radio frequency signals, but as a light emitting device as well.
Source: Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
World's first ZigBee-based inter-satellite comms system
This image depicts VELOX-I before and after deployment and a picosatellite. Credit: Shuanglong Xie, Guo Xiong Lee, Kay-Soon Low, Erry Gunawan, 2014 |
Engineers at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have successfully piloted the world's first ZigBee-based inter-satellite communication system.
The team at the Satellite Research Centre launched the VELOX-I, which consists of a nanosatellite weighing 3.5 kg and a piggyback picosatellite weighing 1.5 kg, from the two highest points on campus. Both miniature satellites were configured with a ZigBee wireless network and equipped with small sensor nodes that perform functions such as local sensing, distributed computing and data-gathering.
Designed to evaluate the performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in space, the experiment marks a breakthrough in aeronautical engineering. After conducting Received Signal Strength Indicator tests on the satellites' radio frequency modules, a maximum range of 1 km was found to be achievable for inter-satellite communication in the campus environment. An even longer communication range can be expected in free space, due to the absence of signal attenuation caused by fading and diffraction.
To estimate the range of inter-satellite communication in free space, the team applied a link budget analysis based on the Friis transmission equation, deriving an average theoretical distance of 4.186 km and a maximum of 15.552 km. Published in the special issue of Unmanned Systems, these findings present a compelling case for further studies into inter-satellite communication systems with more complex designs.
In addition to their high performance in inter-satellite communication, WSNs are also remarkably suitable for intra-satellite communication. The team found that by replacing internally wired connections with wireless links, a satellite's mass could be reduced by as much as 10%. With the twin pressures of minimising development costs and maximising risk diversification imposing major constraints on satellite design, the production of comprehensive yet lightweight systems could benefit significantly from WSNs.
Although WSNs have been used in a wide range of applications in recent years, their use in space applications has, until now, remained limited. The Singaporean team's data-driven survey has established a sound platform for future formation-flying satellite missions, and seems poised to create subsequent revolutions in space.
Source: World Scientific
A new wireless energy transfer device can charge any device without using cables
Researchers have designed a new device for wireless energy transfer that will charge mobile phones or laptops without the need for wires. Credit: UPV |
The system, patented by the UPV, is based on the use of resonators designed with radial photonic crystals; one of them would act as an energy transmitter and the other would be set on the device that needed to be charged. Between them a phenomena known as resonant coupling is produced, which is what finally produces the charging or recharging of the equipment.
"This phenomena is produced when a resonant object is moved closer to a second resonant element and both resonance frequencies are equal or quite similar. This physical proximity produces an energy coupling from the first device, that acts as the source, to the second one, that acts as the charge," says José Sánchez-Dehesa, researcher at the Wave Phenomena
Group of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The device could also be used as a power supply system for equipment such as keyboards and wireless mice, speakers, etc. Besides consumer electronics, it could also be used in an industrial environment as power supply for robots or guided vehicles, and bioelectric devices (cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, etc.)
The UPV researchers' study was released last June in the Annals of Physics magazine. After the first laboratory simulations and calculations of the system's performance, the engineers of the Wave Phenomena Group are now working on the development of the first prototype.
Technology implementation
With regard to the implementation of these devices, UPV researchers say that, "although it may seem futuristic, it is foreseeable that they become universal due to the spread of charging infrastructure in many settings. This technology could follow the same path as WIFI networks," explains Jorge Carbonell, researcher at the Wave Phenomena Group.
Source: Asociación RUVID
Sensors that improve rail transport safety
Cloud-supported sensor network for the condition-based maintenance of rail vehicles. Credit: © Fraunhofer IZM |
Researchers at the Berlin-based Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM are collaborating with industry partners to develop a solution that ensures a great safety while reducing effort and cost. "We want to root out any damage early on and move away from maintenance at set intervals in favor of condition-based maintenance," explains Dr. Michael Niedermayer, microsystems engineer and head of the IZM's Technology-Oriented Design Methods working group. He is also project coordinator for "Mobile Sensor Systems for Condition-Based Maintenance," or MoSe for short.
Seamless monitoring
It's all based on a cloud-supported, wireless network of sensors. Every axle and undercarriage on a train is fitted with small radio sensors, which collect data on the condition of wearing parts. These data are then transferred to the online maintenance cloud, where the measurement and analysis data are encrypted and stored ready for use. The sensors can detect even the tiniest scratch on a ball bearing. As Niedermayer says, "Here we have sensor nodes that can capture even the slightest variations in vibration. We call this in-depth diagnosis." As a result, repairs can be made before anything works its way loose and causes damage.
"What's remarkable about this approach is that it allows everything to be monitored with the train in service, rather than having to inspect it at the rail yard. And in any case, visual checks are not 100 percent reliable," says Manfred Deutzer from project partner Deutzer Technische Kohle GmbH. Although there are wired sensors out there that can be used to examine rail vehicle chassis for wear and tear, these fail to match the high diagnostic quality standards the MoSe developers are striving for.
Using the new method, it is possible to get precise data on, say, whether an axle bearing will have to be replaced three months down the line, which avoids the need to replace it prematurely just in case. The latter is just as uneconomical as the custom of overhauling wheels at preset intervals with a view to resolving any wheel flats that could damage rails.
"Wheels can tolerate such repairs no more than three times before they have to be scrapped," Deutzer reports. "It would make more sense and cost less to grind only those wheels we know actually turn poorly. The problem is that there has never been a suitable way of checking for wheel flats." MoSe is to change all that and much more besides.
"Not only do we intend to improve diagnostics, a top priority is also to process the data collected in as detailed and tailored a manner as possible," says Niedermayer. The idea is to provide train drivers with all relevant data (for instance about critical wheel damage), diagnostic technicians with detailed measurement data so they can assess how fast gear damage is progressing, and designers with measurement statistics covering wear to all parts, enabling them to improve the technical design of the next product generation. Making sure everyone involved receives the data they need in a form they can work with right away involves developing some clever diagnostic algorithms. "Yet another advantage is that wireless sensors can be easily retrofitted," adds Niedermayer.
What's also new is that the system can adapt to the different rotational speeds of the parts being examined -- such as the wheels on a train -- and in doing so, deliver incredibly precise data at whatever speed the train happens to be traveling. It used to be that sensors were designed to work at constant rotational speeds. Although this setup may be easier to manage, it means that the diagnostic quality suffers. Thanks to analysis algorithms, this is set to change. But developing these algorithms is a balancing act: "Since the system is intended to work without batteries, the algorithms mustn't drain unnecessary energy by using up excessive computing power," explains Niedermayer. As MoSe uses energy harvesting, it can tap energy from the vibrations and heat generated as the parts rotate.
Over the next couple of years a prototype will be developed that will be tested in a tram run by the German city of Brandenburg an der Havel. The system could then be used for monitoring purposes in suburban or long-distance trains.
Source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Li-fi protocol allows use of the Internet at the speed of light
Sisoft Company in Mexico has developed a technology that can illuminate a large work space, an auditorium or an office, while providing full mobile internet to every device that comes into the range of the light spectrum.
The Mexican group managed to transmit audio, video and Internet across the spectrum of light emitted by LED lamps. This new technology, called Li-Fi or light fidelity, is presented as an alternative to Wi-Fi because it will maximize the original provided speed of the internet to offer safer data transfer and a transfer rate of up to 10 gigabytes per second.
The Li-Fi device circulates data via LEDs that emit an intermittent flicker at a speed imperceptible to the human eye. "As Wi-Fi uses cables to spread our connections, wireless transmission Li-Fi uses LED lamps that emit high brightness light," said Arturo Campos Fentanes, CEO of Sisoft in Mexico.
Another advantage in comparison to Wi-Fi is that there is no way to hack the signal since the internet is transmitted by light, there is no way to "steal it." Furthermore, it can be installed in hospitals areas that use radiation apparatus and generally block or distort internet signal, Campos Fentanes said.
With this new technology expansion through the market is seeked, with lower costs and a service increased by five thousand percent internet speed. Currently in Mexico the highest transfer rate is 200 megabytes per second. Just to get an idea, with Li-Fi you could quickly download an entire HD movie in just 45 seconds.
Also known as visible light communications (VLC), this technology began with an internet speed of two Gigabits per second, but Sisoft along with researchers from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) adapted the system to be multiplied five times.
Campos Fentanes explained that the first experiments were conducted with audio, in which a cable is connected via 3.5 mm audio Jack from a smartphone to a protoboard table to transform the auditory signal in optical waves. That way a special emitter transmits data across the spectrum of light generated by an LED lamp and is captured by a receptor located in a speaker that reproduces sound.
For wireless internet transmission, the mechanics is similar. The station developed by Sisoft of Mexico stands above the router device that distributes the internet signal and a lamp-LED is incorporated to maximize the speed of data transfer. Light will emulate an antenna, but only the electronic apparatus that has the receptor for the "optical audio" signal and is inside the range of the halo of light will have a connection.
Source: Investigación y Desarrollo
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