The universe could have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement the theory of general relativity of Einstein. The model can also explain dark matter and dark energy.
The widely accepted age of the universe, according to estimates of general relativity, is 13,800 million years. At first, everything was dealt a single infinitely dense point or, in other words, the singularity. After that point began to expand to trigger the Big Bang, considered the origin of the universe, has Science Direct .
Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and inevitably mathematics of general relativity, some scientists consider the problematic issue because mathematics can only explain what happened after and not before the singularity .
However, Ahmed Ali Farag, Benha University, Egypt, and Saurya Das University of Lethbridge, Canada, say the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by its new model in which the universe has no beginning nor end .
The researchers used Raychaudhuri equation and the Friedmann equations, which describe the expansion and evolution of the universe (including the Big Bang) in the context of general relativity. The model of Ali and Das contains elements of both quantum theory, of general relativity .
In physical terms, the model describes the universe as full of "quantum fluid" . Scientists propose that this fluid could be composed of gravitons, hypothetical massless particles that mediate the force of gravity.
To understand the origin of the universe, they analyzed the behavior of the fluid over time. Surprisingly, they found that this does not converge towards the singularity, but, on the contrary, the universe seems to have always existed . Although it was smaller in the past, says Das.
Source: RT